Requirements to run a professional WordPress website

Banner of requirements to run a professional WordPress site

When planning to create a professional WordPress website, research requirements needed to have a self-hosted WordPress installation.

Have already a WordPress site? In this case, make sure your server configurations meet WordPress requirements. Ignoring these requirements might cost you time, energy and money.

To use a specific software, the system has to meet requirements of the software.WordPress is software. The system is a server where WordPress is installed.

In order to be able to host a WordPress website, a server has to meet certain requirements.

Recommended requirements

The official website recommends your host supports several things in order to be able to run a WordPress site smoothly and securely.

These WordPress’s requirements are not static since technologies are constantly improving. Thus, it’s recommended to check the requirements from time to time.

It’s a very important aspect of a website’s security and performance.

Minimum requirements

WordPress is flexible. Below, minimum requirements from an official WordPress site:

Note: If you are in a legacy environment where you only have older PHP or MySQL versions, WordPress also works with PHP 5.6.20+ and MySQL 5.0+, but these versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.

Can you run a WordPress site with minimum requirements? Yes, you can run a site on minimum requirements.

Will you a professional site? In my opinion no, because your site might be vulnerable to attacks when running on minimum requirements.

Themes Harbor themes requirements

Since our WordPress themes are built based on WordPress coding standards, requirements for using the theme on a website is the same as for installing and using a WordPress itself.


Knowing WordPress’s requirements helps to have a secure and performant website. Try follow recommended requirements since it allows to run a professional WordPress website.

Design also plays a vital role in the process of making a professional website. Check out these professional WordPress themes to have a well-designed website.