jQuery libraries in WordPress

A default WordPress installation comes in with a number of popular jQuery libraries to help developers extend functionality of their products by leveraging jQuery API.

WordPress themes and plugins are part of what makes this open-source content management system so popular on a web. To clarify, plugins help to extend a default functionality of WordPress, while WordPress themes allow users to modify appearance of their site.

Because many themes and plugins already rely on jQuery, WordPress includes some popular jQuery libraries by default. It allows developers to save a lot of time and effort when it comes to adding various functionality to their WordPress products.

List of jQuery libraries in WordPress

By default, WordPress includes the following jQuery libraries:

Library nameWordPress handle
jQuery Formjquery-form
jQuery Colorjquery-color
jQuery Masonryjquery-masonry
jQuery UI Corejquery-ui-core
jQuery UI Widgetjquery-ui-widget
jQuery UI Accordionjquery-ui-accordion
jQuery UI Autocompletejquery-ui-autocomplete
jQuery UI Buttonjquery-ui-button
jQuery UI Datepickerjquery-ui-datepicker
jQuery UI Dialogjquery-ui-dialog
jQuery UI Draggablejquery-ui-draggable
jQuery UI Droppablejquery-ui-droppable
jQuery UI Menujquery-ui-menu
jQuery UI Mousejquery-ui-mouse
jQuery UI Positionjquery-ui-position
jQuery UI Progressbarjquery-ui-progressbar
jQuery UI Selectablejquery-ui-selectable
jQuery UI Resizablejquery-ui-resizable
jQuery UI Selectmenujquery-ui-selectmenu
jQuery UI Sortablejquery-ui-sortable
jQuery UI Sliderjquery-ui-slider
jQuery UI Spinnerjquery-ui-spinner
jQuery UI Tooltipsjquery-ui-tooltip
jQuery UI Tabsjquery-ui-tabs
jQuery UI Effectsjquery-effects-core
jQuery UI Effects – Blindjquery-effects-blind
jQuery UI Effects – Bouncejquery-effects-bounce
jQuery UI Effects – Clipjquery-effects-clip
jQuery UI Effects – Dropjquery-effects-drop
jQuery UI Effects – Explodejquery-effects-explode
jQuery UI Effects – Fadejquery-effects-fade
jQuery UI Effects – Foldjquery-effects-fold
jQuery UI Effects – Highlightjquery-effects-highlight
jQuery UI Effects – Pulsatejquery-effects-pulsate
jQuery UI Effects – Scalejquery-effects-scale
jQuery UI Effects – Shakejquery-effects-shake
jQuery UI Effects – Slidejquery-effects-slide
jQuery UI Effects – Transferjquery-effects-transfer
jQuery Scheduleschedule
jQuery Suggestsuggest
jQuery HoverIntenthoverIntent
jQuery Hotkeysjquery-hotkeys
This table contains a list of jQuery plugins, along with WordPress handles, included in a WordPress core by default.

Not to mention, WordPress also uses on some of these libraries. For instance, jQuery, along with jQuery libraries, are loaded and used by WordPress for dashboard user interface.

However, I suspect that this might change in the future.

Since WordPress are now moving towards web components based on React (think of the Block editor), I believe that admin UI will also be rebuilt using such components in the future versions of WordPress.

Yet, these are just my thoughts.

By the way, after running your site through Google PageSpeed Insights, you might notice render blocking issues due to the way a WordPress core loads jQuery. One of the possible solutions to fix it in WordPress is to move jQuery to footer.

Let me know what jQuery library you use on your WordPress site in the comments area below.

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