Disable Google fonts in WordPress

Banner for tutorial on how to disable Google fonts in WordPress themes

Google provides an easy way to use fonts from its library in a WordPress website.

All our premium themes, released before the Block editor, come with a support for Google fonts.

However, there might be cases when you need to disable Google fonts in WordPress.

For that case, our professional themes come with an easy option to get rid of Google fonts.

In dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Customizer.
  2. Select Theme Options.
  3. Select Typography Options.
  4. For both Heading and Body fonts, click on dropdown menu and scroll to the top of the list.
  5. Under System fonts, select a font you like the most. For instance, “System Stack”.
  6. Save your changes.

After selecting System fonts for both Heading and Body, the theme will no longer load Google fonts.

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